Monday, February 1, 2010

My ZTA Travels

One of the best parts about my job as District President is the opportunity to travel to all of my alumnae chapters. I always enjoy visiting the alumnae friends I have met through the years and meeting new sisters. I learn more from my chapters than I probably teach them, and I always leave inspired by the amazing things alumnae in our district are doing.

My visits this year started in Manhattan, KS. I met with the alumnae there and helped them vote on their official chapter name and very first slate of EC officers. We had a great time at the local coffee shop in Aggieville, and I shared some ZTA history in honor of Founders' Day coming up. I am so happy that the Flint Hills, KS alumnae chapter is organized and the newest one in our district!

Just a few weeks later I traveled to Joplin, MO to meet with local alumnae and one collegian. I was joined by one of our Province Presidents, and we talked about getting the Tri-State chapter organized again. I am proud of these ladies for making it a priority to organize two events since then. I look forward to seeing them fully reorganize before the end of the year.

The weekend right after my visit to Joplin took me to the KC Metro chapter. I joined the EC officers for a retreat and spent a couple of hours working with them on all sorts of topics. Our focus, however, was on membership recruitment and surveying members. I am confident that these women will continue to grow as a chapter.

Finally, in early December I traveled to Columbia to meet with the Mid-Missouri chapter. We had a nice lunch downtown, and we talked about member recruitment. They have good plans in place to recruit many women, especially in the Jefferson City area.

If time allows, I will visit the Lawrence, KS Area alumnae chapter soon, and I will of course be at Zeta Day in Springfield. My last travel for the year will be to New Orleans for Convention! I am very excited about this and hope to see many alumnae from our district there, especially to receive Crown Chapter awards!